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Vauxhall celebrates landmark year in style

Monday, 13. 01. 2014 - 17:52, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Vauxhall celebrates landmark year in style

Luton - Vauxhall was the number one car manufacturer for private buyers in Northern Ireland for the second year running, with over 3,500 cars sold.

Innovative programmes such as Flexible Finance, a zero per cent APR offer, and Lifetime Warranty helped drive retail sales and boost market share to 12 per cent.


"We are delighted to be Northern Ireland's number one manufacturer to private buyers, for the second year running," said Gordon Hannen, Vauxhall's Regional Operations Manager for Scotland and Northern Ireland.

"With market share up and strong sales to private buyers it was the perfect way to round off Vauxhall's 110th anniversary year.


"It's exciting times for Vauxhall with three new models launched in 2013 and more to follow this year.

"We're also in the middle of a raft of new engine launches, which will continue for the next two years, making our products more refined, efficient and desirable for customers. One way or another, it's clear that Vauxhall will be a force to be reckoned with in 2014."


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