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New Generation Hyundai i10 scoops BBC Topgear Magazine Award

Thursday, 05. 12. 2013 - 19:25, Zdenka Frývaldská   

New Generation Hyundai i10 scoops BBC Topgear Magazine Award

The New Generation Hyundai i10 has been chosen as BBC TopGear Magazine's ‘Bargain of the Year' in the magazine's prestigious annual awards. Category winners were announced in the latest January 2014 issue of the magazine with the New Generation i10 keeping company with several other illustrious and exotic cars, which made an impact in their sector during 2013.


The judges, made up of members of the BBC TopGear Magazine editorial team, voted unanimously in favour of the New Generation i10's ability to provide customers with small-car buying and running costs without any of the associated compromises to refinement, comfort and build quality.


Piers Ward, Road Test Editor, BBC TopGear Magazine, said: "Customers might want luxuries and gadgets, but they expect refinement. The i10 absolutely delivers on the value-for-money premise. It is definitely not a car with the build quality of a biscuit tin. The fit and finish is excellent, it looks great and is comfortable and spacious and for these reasons it stood out as a worthy winner."


Tony Whitehorn, President and CEO, Hyundai Motor UK, said: "We are absolutely delighted that the New Generation i10 has been recognised by TopGear magazine. The i10 builds on the success of its predecessor with a more expressive and stylish package that majors on refinement, quality, safety, generous specification and overall true value too. It's no longer just a city car, it's cut from the class above."


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