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Formula E: maiden track test for Spark-Renault electric single-seater

Saturday, 23. 11. 2013 - 14:19, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Formula E: maiden track test for Spark-Renault electric single-seater

The fully-electric Spark Renault SRT_01E made its successful track debut at a circuit near La Ferté Gaucher, 80km east of Paris, France. In the hands of Lucas di Grassi, it completed 40 laps during the two-day run, the objective of which was to perform an overall systems check. For the purpose of this initial test, the Spark-Renault was equipped with smaller battery, limiting the maximum power to 50 kW instead of the 200kW (270hp) peak power the car will produce in its final trim.


"It is a great feeling to be driving the Formula E car for the first time," said Di Grassi. "I can assure all the drivers they will have a lot of fun with this car - even with just a quarter of the power, it has quite a lot of grip and the electric motor produces huge torque."


Pierre Calippe, RST: "It was a real pleasure for us and, to be honest, quite emotional, to run the Spark-Renault SRT-01E for the very first time. We've been involved in the project for almost a year now, and these test days are an important step in our development schedule. We've been able to check that all the electronic and electric systems are matching as planned, without any major interference. The shift strategy is already working quite well and the battery, although not definitive, is responding okay. We still have plenty of work, but we are on a good trend: all the partners are really working together toward many innovations, and I think we can already say that the car will be very good, impressive to watch, listen to and, of course, drive!"


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