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Croatia Rally 2013 - Poreč Super Special Stage

Wednesday, 26. 06. 2013 - 09:56, Martin Trenkler   

Croatia Rally 2013 - Poreč Super Special Stage

Three months before the start of the Croatia Rally 2013, the organizers announced details of the exciting Poreč Super Special Stage.

With the presentation of the Poreč SSS the organizers have completed the information about the itinerary of Croatia Rally 2013, which is the major annual Croatian international automobile event that will be held from 26th-28th September 2013 and will be scored for European Rally Championship (ERC).

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Poreč SSS which is 1.7 kilometers long, will play a major part in generating excitement, in fact the rally fans will have an opportunity to enjoy watching 2 competitors competing in parallel at the same time. This duel will be run twice: as an opening stage of the Croatia Rally 2013 (Porec SSS 1), on Thursday 26th September at 18:17 and the same will be run as last and maybe decisive stage, (SSS 14), closing the Croatia Rally 2013 on Saturday 28th September at 16.30 .

Speaking about the Poreč SSS, the President of Croatian Car & Karting Federation Matko Bolanča, said: "In order to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Croatia Rally, whole team is committed to organization of this innovative event that will stay in the minds of millions of spectators on Eurosport and other TV programs. Poreč SSS will ensure this! "

Poreč SSS will be held in the center of Poreč, 50 meters far from Service Park and 200 meters far from the podium and will be an extremely exciting and spectacular duel for which the organisers expect to attract thousands of fans.

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