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A flying start to QM3’s career, the smaller Korean sibling of Captur

Monday, 02. 12. 2013 - 18:07, Zdenka Frývaldská   

A flying start to QM3’s career, the smaller Korean sibling of Captur

The eagerly-awaited QM3, which went on sale recently in Korea, has lost no time in becoming a resounding hit.

The model's first 1,000 customers, who confirmed their orders within seven minutes of order books opening on November 20, will take delivery of their new car by mid-December.


Almost 4,000 further orders have since been taken already, with delivery scheduled for the first quarter of 2014. RSM QM3 - a smaller sibling of Renault Captur - was presented to the public at this year's Seoul Motor Show on March 28, 2013, and was voted Best Car of the Show.

As the fifth model in RSM's line-up, QM3 provides an unprecedented response to the demand of young motorists looking for an original small car. QM3 is a small urban crossover which combines attractive styling, sporty performance, first class travelling comfort and genuine driving enjoyment.


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