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WRC photographers take the wheel

Monday, 03. 09. 2018 - 14:31, Public relations   

WRC photographers take the wheel

Two of the FIA World Rally Championship's top photographers will swap their cameras for a peugeot 208 R2 rally car this weekend when they take on a Portuguese asphalt rally.

André Lavadinho, who owns the @World media agency and is a regular contributor to, will compete in the Constalica Rallye Vouzela (1-2 September) alongside Gergely Makai who, as well as working alongside Lavadinho, is a co-driver in his native Hungary.


Thirty-one-year-old Lavadinho, who is Portuguese, has contested just one rally before, finishing sixth at July's Especial Sprint Riba D'Ave in his homeland.

"This will be the first time I'll hear Gergely read English pace notes," he explained. "My cousin has helped me to understand the notes, and to create an easy system to quickly become familiar with Gergely."

As well as being a challenge for Lavadinho, it will also be tricky for Makai, who has never delivered pace notes in English before. But he is confident the language barrier won't hold the pair back.

He said: "It is going to be a big challenge, but I think we're going to perform well. Portugal is a fantastic country, has incredible stages, and I'm sure we will be able to count on the support of the Portuguese at this event."

The nine-stage rally gets underway on Saturday 1 September with a Super Special Stage in Vouzela followed by eight more stages on Sunday.


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