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Wilson: Fiesta can get even better

Wednesday, 11. 04. 2018 - 11:31, Public relations   

Wilson: Fiesta can get even better

Malcolm Wilson has warned WRC rivals that his M-Sport Ford World Rally Team's Fiesta could get even faster, thanks to a host of new developments that are in the pipeline.

The Fiesta has been the car to beat so far in 2018 with Sébastien Ogier guiding it to its third victory in four rallies at last weekend's Corsica linea - Tour de Corse.

And with the benefit of increased support from Ford this season, Wilson has said there are further improvements to come.

"We worked a lot to get here and things are coming. Now we have more resources from Ford for development, I think that if we can keep pushing, we can still improve," he explained.


Reigning champion Ogier was quick to praise the development work that has been done on the Fiesta since the end of 2017. The Frenchman is confident the support M-Sport is receiving now will pay off later in the season.

As well as being happy with the performance of his team's WRC challenger, Wilson also admitted to being hugely impressed by Ogier's showing on the Corsican asphalt.

He said: "When we saw the splits coming in on Friday, we were all amazed by Julien (Ingrassia) and Sébastien's performance. But then it's a lot of pressure for the next two days because they had to manage the gaps.

"Mexico was one of the best drives I've seen, and now they've managed to score another impressive performance."

Wilson also thanked 2003 World Champion Phil Mills for stepping into the co-driver's seat alongside Elfyn Evans in his team's second Fiesta WRC after regular navigator Dan Barritt was ruled out.

"It was certainly the right decision to replace Daniel," Wilson said. "Phil was the obvious choice because he's been doing the gravel notes. It was quite a tough mission and I'm just thankful he could step in."

It is hoped Barritt will be back co-driving for Evans for YPF Rally Argentina which takes place between 26 - 29 April.



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