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United Business wins with Nico Pulic The - IWC – Zagreb – Croatia

Wednesday, 12. 12. 2012 - 10:04, Daniel Mandzi   

United Business wins with Nico Pulic The - IWC – Zagreb – Croatia

Show and competition, this was the weekend for United Business at the International Championship Winners IWC, motorsports event held in the modern and beautiful Arena Hall in Zagreb, Saturday, December 8th, 2012. The event attracted the attention of many spectators. The mix of motorsport  and show was a success for the audience of this event which was held for the first time in Croatia. 46 drivers attended, divided into three categories and pools: National Cup Croatian Drivers, Junior Cup Croatian Drivers and International Drivers Cup. 15 international drivers were present, from 10 countries, all the participants of this competition by invitation battled with knockout heats driving identical cars: Audi R8, Fiat Grande Punto Cup, Renault Clio Sport Cup and KTM Razor Roadster.


The three United Business drivers were Nico Pulic, Luca Rossetti and Piero Longhi, their behavior was not characterized by particular "pressure" related to lap times, but only by a spectacular driving, although in the end results also came: Longhi reached the final of the International Drivers Cup and missed victory for a few hundredths of a second, while Rossetti finished in third place, Nico Pulic, certainly one of the strongest and most popular drivers in Croatia, dominated winning everything possible: the National Cup Croatian Drivers  final, the other final which saw him face the winner of the Junior Cup Croatian Drivers and finally also won the IWC SUPER FINAL, beating the winner of the International Drivers Cup. "To be present in this event - said Pier Liberali of United Business - has been a pleasure, Longhi and Rossetti entertained the audience while enjoying themselves, Nico Pulic, who is our flagship in Croatia, was very strong, from his experience, having raced during his career with an incredible number of vehicles, he won everything available. It was a show, but winning is always good and Pulic gave us this trophy too, for all of us at United Business,  Nico as well as being one of our drivers is also a dear friend, we are evaluating with him which sports programme to follow in 2013, if all goes to plan the next season could be very rewarding for Nico, who deserves it because in addition to being an excellent driver is also a showman who thanks to his sympathy is able to involve the public and the fans". A positive weekend for the Italian sports management company, which closes the 2012 season with another success, waiting to announce its drivers' programmes  for the 2013 season.   

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