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Toyota ME.WE concept car nominated for designs of the year

Saturday, 22. 03. 2014 - 09:07, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Toyota ME.WE concept car nominated for designs of the year

A Toyota concept car conceived to challenge traditional thinking about vehicle design and engineering has been put forward for a prestigious design honour. ME.WE, a highly adaptable, no-frills model developed in a ground-breaking collaboration between architect and designer Jean-Marie Massaud and ED2, Toyota's European design studio, has been nominated in the Designs of the Year awards at London's Design Museum.


The awards focuses on cutting-edge innovation and original talent across a broad spectrum of design disciplines, including architecture, digital fashion, furniture, graphics, products and transport. ME.WE, first presented at Toyota's Le Rendez-vous brand centre in Paris last spring, will join all the nominated designs in an exhibition at the museum from 26 March.


As well as being considered for an award by an eminent panel of judges, the concept will also be in the running for the competition's new social vote. During the course of the exhibition, two award contenders will go head-to-head in a popular vote among museum visitors and its worldwide Twitter and Facebook followers, via the website.. The Toyota ME.WE will be facing off against another competitor on 22 April.


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