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Shows on the traverses

Saturday, 05. 05. 2012 - 17:24, Daniel Mandzi   

Shows on the traverses

Friday competition started with the long and difficult traverse. There were only the Extreme Class teams allowed to put to this trial. The teams bravely struggled for each meter of the route, many times they attached the ropes and started once front, once back winch or even both at a one time. Team of Marcin Łukaszewski and Magdalena Duhanik gave the incredible show. The leaders of the rally, as the rules and tradition demands, started as the lasts. Just after few dozen meters of the slope they found themselves in the small group of leaders and they finished this section as the firsts! It is absolutely adorable feeling of the car and of the physics law on the steep banks.On top of that we don't talk here about an incredible luck because the off-road team usually overtakes the obstacles the same way and the mistakes happen very rarely. On the traverse, Paweł Kado and Dagobert Kubis landed on their roof in a spectacular way but quite quickly they managed to get back to the competition. This time, after their previous experience, the Latvians prepared the new technique of overcoming the traverses - they tried to ride zigzag up and down, positioning their car as perpendicular to the slope as possible. They did really well and lost the respect for the obstacles. Dominique Trafoier and Dennis Nedobitkin this time their finish was very unlucky - they turned on the roof just before the end of second stage, what caused the oil leak and difficulties with starting the engine. The team decided to resign. Regardless of their bad luck, their opinion about the rally organization is very positive, what makes us very happy. They promised to come next year with the rebuilt car. The Swedes promised also the technical changes, as lowering and toughening of the suspension, to meet the requirements on the traverses next year.


The Adventure Class competition became more and more interesting. Remek Moenert and Artur Pesta had incured a loss - the broken winch had forced them to omit the trial. Similar troubles happened to Arek Szamszon and Jakub Krysa. Tomasz Zygarlicki took the advantage of it and now, just before the last day, he takes the first place with quite safe, over an hour, advantage.


Artur Owczarek: Today traverses were very long and technically difficult. The route got sometimes jammed, which made the crossing difficult. We didn't have many troubles, except one situation. When I was reversing the wheel pins got cut and we had to change it. It took few dozen minutes, from this our time loss. As usual, Magam Trophy is interesting and difficult, and this is it what we expect.


Paweł Kado: On the first section we were a little bit sluggish, but the second one went great. We do not competing for the first place, we are trying to drive wisely and get as much satisfaction as possible. On the first traverse we had the adventure of the day. I found the way to overtake few cars, but it seamed there were no traction. I could have driven down behind the tape or risked and turned right, which might have ended up with the turn over. I choose the second option and unfortunately our car turned up and down twice. Then I broke the rope in a deep mud and that was it for the adventures this day.


Dominik Samosiuk: Today we rode very fast, the route wasn't too long. Our car made it perfectly, without any faults. Our main goal is to get to the finishing point safely. So sometimes we drive too protective, without taking any risk. The biggest challenge for us was the overtaking the slower teams, who omitted some trials and found themselves in front of us. Apart of it, there weren't any surprises. On Saturday last stages, we hope to get to the finishing point healthy and untouched.


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