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Porsche achieves record sales, turnover and profit in 2012

Saturday, 16. 03. 2013 - 10:30, Martin Trenkler   

Porsche achieves record sales, turnover and profit in 2012

- Company results reported at annual press conference held in Stuttgart
- Best year in the history of Porsche
- Turnover up by 25 per cent compared with 2011
- Record sales of 143,096 cars
- Operating result up by 19 per cent

In the 2012 financial year, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG achieved record levels in sales, turnover and earnings. At 143,096 vehicles, sales were 22 per cent higher than in the previous year. Turnover increased by 27 per cent to 13.9 billion euros, while the operating result grew by 19 per cent to 2.44 billion euros. Moreover, the number of employees reached a new peak, totalling 17,502 at the end of the year. The company also increased the number of trainees - instead of the previous number of 100 young workers, last September 125 employees began their training at Porsche.


At the annual press conference of Porsche AG in Stuttgart, Germany, today (15 March), Matthias Müller, Chairman of the Executive Board, emphasised that the sports car manufacturer has, despite the weak economy, particularly in Europe, continued to press ahead on the course for growth that it set upon two years ago. "2012 was the most successful year in the history of our company," Müller said. "The success that Porsche enjoys in the marketplace can be attributed very largely to our attractive product portfolio. We further enhanced this last year with the addition of several new, fascinating sports car models."

In Stuttgart, Lutz Meschke, Chief Financial Officer of Porsche AG, highlighted "the healthy cost structure and sustained high level of profitability" of the company. Accordingly, the operating return on sales amounted to around 18 per cent. "With our international position and a strict cost management, we remain, as a whole, cautiously optimistic for the current 2013 financial year, and are striving for a result building upon the very high level of the prior year," the CFO of Porsche AG further added.

Net liquidity in the automotive business - meaning gross liquidity less financial liabilities excluding financial services - improved from a negative 2.58 billion euros as of 31 December 2011 to a negative 1.87 billion euros as of 31 December 2012. Thus, Porsche AG has once again come one step closer to its medium-term goal of a full reduction in net indebtedness while financing its growth from operating cash flow.

In the 2012 financial year, the model series with the highest growth rate was the 911. The new generation of the sports car icon found such a great reception among customers that sales increased by 49 per cent, to 26,203 vehicles. With 77,822 vehicles (up 30 per cent), the Cayenne series obtained the highest sales. The Boxster grew by four per cent to 11,740 units. Thereby, the new Boxster - introduced in March 2012 - achieved an addition of 66 per cent, to 10,126 vehicles. 1,614 units of the Cayman were sold. The new generation Cayman was launched on the market at the beginning of 2013. Sales of the Panamera amounted to 27,331 vehicles.

A review of regional distribution shows the continued importance of the North American market - there, sales increased by 34 per cent, to 39,192 units. In China (including Hong Kong), growth amounted to 32 per cent, with 33,590 vehicles sold. Moreover, in Germany, the sports car manufacturer gained 16 per cent, to 16,090 vehicles. In Europe (excluding Germany), growth amounted to 8 per cent, to 31,094 units. Across the rest of the world, sales climbed by 19 per cent, to 23,130 vehicles.

In the 2012 financial year, production increased by 19 per cent to 151,999 vehicles. This was accounted for by 28,419 units for the 911 (up 31 per cent), 83,208 vehicles for the Cayenne (up 34 per cent) and 27,056 vehicles for the Panamera (down 15 per cent). A total of 13,316 units (up 9 per cent) of the Boxster series were produced.

PORSCHE AG Group January to December
2012 2011 Change (%)
Sales (units) 143,096 116,978 + 22.3
911 26,203 17,607 + 48.8
Boxster/Cayman 11,740 11,280 + 4.1
Cayenne 77,822 59,873 + 30.0
Panamera 27,331 28,218 - 3.1
Production (units) 151,999 127,793 + 18.9
911 28,419 21,748 + 30.7
Boxster/Cayman 13,316 12,207 + 9.1
Cayenne 83,208 62,004 + 34.2
Panamera 27,056 31,834 - 15.0
Revenue (mn €) 13,865 10,928 + 26.9
Operating profit (mn €) 2,439 2,045 + 19.3
Employees 17,502* 15,307* + 14.3
* Reference date 31 December

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