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Injured Barritt misses test

Saturday, 24. 03. 2018 - 18:31, Public relations   

Injured Barritt misses test

Co-driver Dan barritt is sitting out this week's two-day test alongside Elfyn Evans as he bids to ensure his fitness for next month's Corsica linea - Tour de Corse (5 - 8 april).

Barritt suffered concussion during the pair's sixth-gear roll at Rally Guanajuato Mexico earlier this month. After hospital checks, he was advised not to continue and the pair retired their M-Sport Ford Fiesta.


He has since been recuperating at home in Britain and experienced co-driver Stuart Loudon partnered Evans for the Welshman's two-day test on the Mediterranean island roads which started yesterday (Monday).

Barritt will undergo a medical examination ahead of the Corsican event to check his fitness, but M-Sport is confident he will be given the green light for the fourth round of the FIA World Rally Championship.

Points leader Sébastien Ogier will take the wheel of the test Fiesta on Wednesday and Thursday before Bryan Bouffier completes the squad's preparations with a single day on Friday.


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