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Honda's European Manufacturing Operations to Resume Normal Production

Monday, 28. 11. 2011 - 20:33, Daniel Mandzi   

Honda's European Manufacturing Operations to Resume Normal Production

Due to an improvement in the supply situation in Thailand, both of Honda's European manufacturing plants will resume normal production on 19 December 2011.

The severe flooding in Thailand requires us to continually monitor the supply of parts, however, the situation has improved sufficiently to allow both Honda of the UK Manufacturing Ltd (HUM) and Honda Turkiye (HTR) to plan for a return to normal production activities.

Resumption of production will also see the start of mass production of the New Civic at both sites (5 door at HUM and 4 door at HTR).

Copyright manufacturer;15672-new-honda-civic.jpg

"Our Associates have shown great understanding over the last month and we are all now really excited about the prospect of starting to produce our new Civic," said Andy Piatek, Director of Manufacturing at Honda in Swindon.

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