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Flying Spur stars at Bentley power on ice event

Friday, 14. 02. 2014 - 19:44, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Flying Spur stars at Bentley power on ice event

Bentley's new Flying Spur is proving to be one of the star attractions at this year's Power on Ice 2014 event in Finland. Guests and the four-time World Rally champion Juha Kankkunen alike are enjoying the opportunity to put the 6.0-litre W12 luxury sedan to the test on a range of challenging circuits carved into the frozen lakes.


"Although I have broken two ice-speed world records with Bentley and understand what these cars are capable of, it is remarkable to be able to drive a luxury sedan designed to deliver such great levels of refinement and comfort in these kind of harsh, wintery conditions and many miles from the nearest roads," comments Kankkunen who is hosting the event.


"Our guests have been driving the Flying Spur quickly across the ice, really enjoying themselves, and the stability and control from the all-wheel drive system has given everyone great confidence," adds Kankkunen.


The Flying Spur has joined an array of Bentley Continental GT coupes in Finland and Juha is working alongside Bentley's own factory-trained driving experts who are offering in-depth tuition designed to allow drivers to broaden their range of driving skills when faced by testing road and weather conditions.

Away from the thrill of learning how to drive the Bentley of their choice at high speed on ice, the four-day adventure in Finland offers guests the chance to unwind in exclusive and stylish surroundings and is one of a number of luxury experiences Bentley is offering customers in 2014. To keep up to date with all the latest Bentley's events please visit


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