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Executive Change at Mazda Motor Europe

Tuesday, 04. 10. 2011 - 20:42, Daniel Mandzi   

Executive Change at Mazda Motor Europe

Masaharu Kondo has years of international experience at Mazda, where he began working in 1988. His last position was Managing Director of Mazda's national sales company in Poland, a position he has held for the last year and a half. Prior to this, Mr Kondo was General Manager of the Market Support Department, Overseas Sales Division, at Mazda in Japan. In this capacity, he was responsible for product marketing, new model launches, and customer satisfaction initiatives for Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. Before that, Mr. Kondo had spent most of his career working for European markets in various sales and marketing roles including an assignment at Mazda Motor Europe in Germany from 1998 to 2003.


"We're happy that Masaharu Kondo is going to lead our European product communication team," said Franz Danner, Vice President for Public Relations at Mazda Motor Europe. "Not only does he bring a wealth of international experience in product communication, he knows the European market very well and will form a strong link to our headquarters in Japan. He will help us continue to communicate our products to the media in an informative and consistent way throughout Europe. This will be vital as we begin to launch an all new line-up of SKYACTIV vehicles with the CX-5 early next year."


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