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CFI extends WRC partnership

Sunday, 01. 04. 2018 - 16:31, Public relations   

CFI extends WRC partnership

CFI markets has prolonged its partnership with WRC promoter as the official forex trading partner of the FIA World Rally Championship for an additional year.

The independent financial institution, a leading online foreign exchange company for private clients and institutions worldwide, started its collaboration with the WRC in 2016.

After a fruitful two-year period, the company said WRC was a perfect match and provided evidence of CFI's leadership in the worldwide trading arena.


"We are glad to be announcing the extension of our partnership that proved to be very successful in the past two years," said a CFI Markets spokesperson.

"We continue to believe that our partnership with the World Rally Championship as the official Forex Trading Partner is another platform that will help us connect with and expand our clientele.

"Being a thrilling global sport where technology, teamwork and support are important for success, we see in the WRC values much in common with what we do and what we aim to provide to our clients."

WRC Promoter managing director Oliver Ciesla said he was delighted to extend the partnership with a company which holds an impeccable reputation in the financial industry.

"The WRC's partnership with CFI Markets provides a perfect platform for CFI to further develop its business in strategically important markets and to continue to build its network globally.

"CFI Markets' success emphasises how companies whose focus is structured around online business benefit from the WRC's increasing web and social media traffic. Our users bring more business to third party websites, such as CFI Markets," he added.


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