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Breakfast Club Dates at Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb

Thursday, 31. 01. 2013 - 10:22, Martin Trenkler   

Breakfast Club Dates at Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb

Now in their second full year, the Midland Automobile Club are pleased to announce the dates for their very popular Breakfast Clubs.


Nine dates have been confirmed, starting on February 10th going through to October 13th.


The Breakfast Clubs are a free social event and a chance to come to the famous Shelsley Walsh Hill Climb, meet with like minded enthusiasts, see a wonderful array of cars, have a great breakfast with our new caterers and still be home in time to watch the Grand Prix!

A full "Shelsley Breakfast" is served in the Stratstone Restaurant and for those who like a healthier option there are cereals, fruit and croissants, after which you can walk the hill and admire the views of the Teme Valley.

Gates open at 9am and close at 12pm, all those wishing to attend are asked to register via the web site.

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