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Zandvoort 12 Hours Multi Car Crash Scheivlak

6. 5. 2015

During the first 12 hours of Zandvoort this big accident happend at Scheivlak corner. This is the statement from the organization after the accident_ During the 2nd part of the Hankook 12H ZANDVOORT at Circuit Park Zandvoort an incident has taken place at 16_24 o'clock at the approach of the Scheivlak corner (turn 7). The cars involved in the accident all sustained damage and medical teams arrived quickly at the scene. All the drivers were taken to the medical centre of Circuit Park Zandvoort. After checks in the medical centre_ * The driver of car #9 (Ferrari 458 GT3 -- Scuderia Praha) has been released without injury. * The driver of car #47 (Renault Clio Sport RS -- DK Racing Event) has been transported to the hospital for further medical checks. * The driver of car #105 (Ginetta G50 -- Speedworks Motorsport) has been transported to the hospital fur further medical checks. All drivers were in a responsive and conscious condition. All three cars involved in the accident have retired from the race.

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10^ Rallylegend
10. 4. 2015
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