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History of Rally Games

4. 3. 2014

26 years of rally gaming_ 1988 - 2014 ... I didn't record any of these videos. I would like to credit recorders but they are obvious if you search with the game name. Some games has music, I didn't add any. Used software_ Imagemagick and Phyton for generating overlays Notepad++ for writing Phyton script VirtualDub for aspect ratio correction of some gameplays Libreoffice Calc for listing games and exporting them to text file Sony Vegas for merging clips and overlays, and rendering Games by release date (ascending) ---------------------------------------------------- Lombard RAC Rally Championship Rally Network Q RAC Rally Network Q RAC Rally Championship International Rally Championship Sega Rally Championship V-Rally Colin McRae Rally Sega Rally Championship 2 Mobil 1 Rally Championship Colin McRae Rally 2 V-Rally 2 Pro Rally 2001 Rally Championship Xtreme Rally Trophy Pro Rally 2002 RalliSport Challenge V-Rally 3 World Rally Championship Colin McRae Rally 3 Rally Championship WRC 3 Colin McRae Rally 4 RalliSport Challenge 2 Colin McRae Rally 2005 Richard Burns Rally WRC_ Rally Evolved Sega Rally 2006 Xpand Rally Dirt Sega Rally Revo Dirt 2 WRC_ FIA World Rally Championship Dirt 3 WRC 2_ FIA World Rally Championship WRC 3_ FIA World Rally Championship _____________________________ Games most liked (based on Gamespot's User Scores - descending order) -------------------------------------------------- RalliSport Challenge 2 Richard Burns Rally RalliSport Challenge WRC_ Rally Evolved Dirt 2 Mobil 1 Rally Championship Dirt 3 Rally Trophy WRC 3 Xpand Rally Dirt Sega Rally Championship Sega Rally Championship 2 Network Q RAC Rally Championship World Rally Championship Pro Rally 2001 Sega Rally 2006 V-Rally 3 V-Rally 2 Lombard RAC Rally International Rally Championship Sega Rally Revo Rally Championship Xtreme Rally Championship WRC_ FIA World Rally Championship WRC 2_ FIA World Rally Championship Championship Rally Network Q RAC Rally V-Rally Colin McRae Rally Colin McRae Rally 2 Pro Rally 2002 Colin McRae Rally 3 Colin McRae Rally 4 Colin McRae Rally 2005 WRC 3_ FIA World Rally Championship

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