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ERC Rally Liepāja Latvia 2014 HD - II

2. 2. 2014

ERC Rally Liepāja Latvia 2014 HD FIA European Rally Championship Rallijs Latvija 2014 Rally Liepāja took place for the first time in 2013 when it ran up the Baltic coast from Liepāja to Ventspils in Latvia's far west. With Ventspils no longer on the itinerary, a revamped route will feature stages in the Liepāja and Kuldīga districts only. It means all but one stage is completely unchanged, while the stage, run twice on Sunday, has never been used before. Leg one is based around Kuldīga, 88 kilometres north of Liepāja, and includes three repeated stages. Sunday's route consists of a further three repeated tests centred on Aizpute, 50 kilometres north of Liepāja

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