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WRC wins FIA action award

Monday, 18. 12. 2017 - 13:31, Public relations   

WRC wins FIA action award

WRC tv's coverage of high-flier Esapekka Lappi's spectacular leap at the famous fafe jump in Portugal has been named the best action moment of the 2017 motorsport season by the FIA.

The Finn's dramatic flight in the final live TV Power Stage at Vodafone Rally de Portugal won the FIA's Action of the Year Award at the governing body's prize giving ceremony at the Palace of Versailles, near Paris.


The WRC nomination, filmed using a mix of roadside and onboard cameras, defeated video clips from eight other championships, including Formula 1, Formula E and WEC in a fan vote on the FIA's website.

The look on Lappi's face and the relieved laughter from co-driver Janne Ferm said it all after their Toyota Yaris' 33-metre, 120kph jump, which Lappi landed on one wheel in front of massive crowds at one of the WRC's iconic locations.

It was WRC at its best - and all this on their World Rally Car debut!

Lappi's pace through the Power Stage earned the Finn two bonus points to add to the one he claimed for finishing the rally 10th.

The clip also won the OneBet Jump of the Year award at the WRC Gala in Sydney last month.


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