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WRC scoops FIA action award

Wednesday, 19. 12. 2018 - 12:31, Public relations   

WRC scoops FIA action award

The spectacular moment when Teemu Suninen somehow dragged his Fiesta out of a ditch and back onto the road at Neste Rally Finland has been named the best action moment of the 2018 motorsport season by the FIA.

The Finn's jaw-dropping recovery in the Äänekoski stage scooped the FIA Action of the Year Award at the governing body's end of season prize giving event in Saint Petersburg, Russia on Friday night.


The award was the only FIA accolade that was decided by a fans vote and Suninen's dramatic performance means the WRC has now won the prize for the second consecutive year.

Suninen and co-driver Mikko Markkula were in the hunt for the lead of their home event on the opening day when they went into a long left-hand corner too hot.

As they lost the rear of their M-Sport Ford World Rally Team Fiesta and slid off the road at speed, the WRC TV cameras were perfectly positioned to capture the unfolding drama.

Just as it looked like his home event was poised to end dramatically in a deep ditch, Suninen managed to plant the throttle and somehow found just enough traction to scrabble out of trouble and bounce back onto the road. It was the ultimate recovery.

Suninen, who went on to finish the rally in sixth place, Tweeted: "Yes! FIA awarded my big slide on Äänekoski stage in Neste Rally with the Action of the Year title. I did not intend to participate in this competition this way but as it happened and I got this prize...thank you for the votes!"


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