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Worldwide sales of Suzuki Swift reach 3 mil. units

Wednesday, 30. 01. 2013 - 19:06, Martin Trenkler   

Worldwide sales of Suzuki Swift reach 3 mil. units

Suzuki Motor Corporation is pleased to announce that cumulative worldwide sales of Suzuki's Swift compact car, which was originally launched as a world strategic model in 2004, reached three million units in January this year (eight years and two months since the start of sales in 2004).


The Swift reflects Suzuki's expertise in the compact car sector and its dedication to creating models which are sporty, stylish and fun to drive. The vehicle was first produced and sold in Japan as a world strategic model in November 2004. In the following year, production and distribution began in various countries, including Hungary, India and China. In March 2012, production and distribution were also launched in Thailand. Today, the Swift is a popular vehicle in more than 120 countries and regions around the world and cumulative worldwide sales have now reached the three million mark.

In Japan, the Swift won the RJC (Automotive Researchers' and Journalists' Conference of Japan) Car of the Year Award in 2006 and 2011, and the 2005-2006 Japan Car of the Year Special ‘Most Fun' Award, in addition to various Car of the Year Awards in Europe, India and other countries - an indication of the high esteem in which the Swift is held.


In the full model change of 2010, the Swift - the new standard compact car - was enhanced with the adoption of a sophisticated design which conveys a free yet stable image, underscoring the Swift's "nippy" character, and also through the improvement of overall environmental performance.

Of the three million units, approximately 13% have been sold in Japan, 45% in India and 23% in Europe.


Nov 2004: First-generation Swift - a world strategic model - is launched in Japan

Feb 2005: Production begins in Hungary

May 2005: Production begins in India

Jun 2005: Production begins in China

Sep 2005: The Swift Sport is released in Japan

Nov 2005: The Swift wins the 2006 RJC Car of the Year Award and in 2005-2006 the Japan Car of the Year Special ‘Most Fun' Award

Jan 2006: The Swift wins the 2006 Indian Car of the Year Award

Jun 2008: Total worldwide production reaches one million units

Jun 2010: Production of the new (second-generation) Swift for Europe begins at Magyar Suzuki in Hungary

Sep 2010: The new (second-generation) Swift is launched in Japan

Nov 2010: The new Swift wins the 2011 RJC Car of the Year Award

Jan 2011: Total worldwide sales reach two million units

Mar 2012: Production begins in Thailand

Jan 2013: Total worldwide sales reach three million units

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