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World Premiere for the DS3 RRC at the Rallye International du Valais

Tuesday, 23. 10. 2012 - 16:39, Daniel Mandzi   

World Premiere for the DS3 RRC at the Rallye International du Valais

The new Citroën DS3 RRC will make its world debut at the Rallye International du Valais (25th 27th of October) with eight-time Belgian Rally Champion Pieter Tsjoen, from Belgium, at the wheel. What is RRC? It is about the Regional Rally Cars, a new category of cars introduced by the FIA to enter rounds of the Regional Rally Championships such as the African, Middle-East, Asia-Pacific Championships and of course, the FIA European Rally Championship and Cups, of which the RIV constitutes the last round of the 2012 season.


The WRC (World Rally Cars) are not eligible to take part in the aforementioned regional championships. The cars of the RRC category are somehow different from those that shine at the top of the sport. The air intake of their 1600cc turbo engine is restricted by a smaller restrictor (30mm instead of 34mm), which slightly reduces their power. Among the other details that distinguish the car Tsjoen will drive in Valais from the one that Sébastien Loeb has brought to so many successes and titles in the World Rally Championship, there are a smaller rear wing, a modified front spoiler and a dedicated flywheel.





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