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Volkswagen Group RUS presents Sochi 2014 fleet vehicles in Sochi

Friday, 08. 02. 2013 - 13:44, Martin Trenkler   

Volkswagen Group RUS presents Sochi 2014 fleet vehicles in Sochi

- 3,100 fleet vehicles will be given to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee in 2013

Wolfsburg/Sochi, 07 February 2013 - VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus, general partner in the Vehicles category of the 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Gamesin Sochi, has celebrated the commencement of the countdown to the first ever Russian Winter Olympic Games. The company has presented an exhibition show case with Sochi 2014 fleet vehicles - Volkswagen, Audi, ŠKODA, and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles. The show case was equipped with thematic stands where every visitor had an opportunity to get to know the contribution of VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus to the preparation of the Sochi Games.

"Speaking about plans for 2013, VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus will give all 3,100 vehicles of the Sochi 2014 fleet to the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee. A significant number of these vehicles will be manufactured in Russia, and we are especially proud of this," said Marcus Osegowitsch, Director General of VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus.

In 2013 company dealerships will be opened in Sochi to provide technical support and service to the Sochi 2014 fleet vehicles. Also, employees of VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus will be involved in a volunteer program aimed at supporting the Sochi 2014 Games.


About VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus
VOLKSWAGEN Group Rus consolidates the activities of seven Volkswagen brands in the Russian market - Volkswagen, ŠKODA, Audi, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, SEAT, Bentley, and Lamborghini. In 2012 the volume of sales of the company in Russia increased by 38% and exceeded 316,000 vehicles, of which more than 180,000 vehicles were manufactured in Russia.

Since November 2007 Group Rus manufactures its vehicles in Kaluga, 170 km south-west of Moscow. In October 2009 the complete production cycle was inaugurated at the plant in the presence of Vladimir Putin and chief executives of the state. With investments exceeding one billion euros, the company has become one of the biggest investors in the Russian automotive industry. In 2013-2015 the Group will invest further 840 million euros in its plants, new equipment, and creation of new products in Russia.

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