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Turkey reveals compact route

Tuesday, 24. 07. 2018 - 17:31, Public relations   

Turkey reveals compact route

Rally Turkey (13 - 16 september) organisers have confirmed a compact itinerary for the country's first FIA World Rally Championship fixture since 2010.

Crews face a competitive distance of 317.28km in a route of just 896.08km through the Marmaris and Muğla regions that hosted an official candidate rally last October.

Thursday evening's start ceremony is sure to attract thousands of fans and holidaymakers to the historic location of Marmaris Meydan, ahead of the opening street stage through the town's picturesque marina area.


The longest stage of the event is also the first of three gravel tests on Friday morning that are repeated later. Çetibeli runs for 38.10km and is sure to provide its share of surprises before the Ula (21.90km) and Çiçekil (12.55km) stages.

Another long test kicks off Saturday's action. The 36.00km Yeşilbelde is followed by Datça (10.70km) and Içmeler (20.40km). All three are repeated in the afternoon following a return to the Asparan service park, a handful of kilometres outside Marmaris.

There will be four stages in Sunday's finale, culminating in the Marmaris Power Stage which starts in the town of Içmeler and finishes in the service park, immediately ahead of the podium celebrations.

Clerk of the course Murat Kaya said the mountain roads and stunning coastal backdrops would be a feature of the rally, round 10 of the 13-event series.

"With Rally Turkey now taking place in Marmaris and its surrounding area, the rally will offer superb stages and an insight into the fascinating history and culture of this ancient land and its breathtaking views.

"We have been working hard to offer a rally experience that sets new standards for the whole WRC with a compact route and efficient organisation of stages," he said.


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