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Tom Coronel and David Hart just missed out on the podium at Goodwood Revival

Monday, 16. 09. 2013 - 17:00, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Tom Coronel and David Hart just missed out on the podium at Goodwood Revival

Tom Coronel and David Hart finished fourth today with their AC Cobra in the Royal Automobile Club TT Celebration at Goodwood Revival. Fifth place in yesterday's qualifying offered a good opportunity to obtain a podium once again, but rain and a safety car situation withheld the coupled to succeed last years second place.


In the competitive field of participants Tom and David steered their 450 hp strong AC Cobra to a fifth qualifying time yesterday, a good result to realize their aim for this weekend, top spot on the podium. "David drove the first part of the race, and he took the lead already in the second lap," Tom explained after the race. "David led the race for about ten laps, when he came into the pits and I took over. Sadly enough the safety car came out one lap later, just the wrong moment for us because we had fallen back in the field quite far because of our pit stop. On top the rain started to come down in huge amounts, causing me to put in all efforts in keeping the AC Cobra on the track."


All in all Tom crossed the finish line in fourth position in the DHG Racing AC Cobra, eight tenths of a second from the podium and three seconds behind the number two. Friedrichs and Hadfield won the race in their Aston Martin Project 212. "No wreath and cigar this time, but despite that David and I enjoyed the race and atmosphere during this unique event to the max!"

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