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Special deals for WRC 2 crews

Tuesday, 25. 12. 2018 - 16:31, Public relations   

Special deals for WRC 2 crews

Four rallies are offering special deals to assist WRC 2 pro and WRC 2 competitors next season.

The biggest package is available from Rally Guanajuato Mexico (7 - 10 March), which is offering eight nights’ hotel accommodation for eight people within walking distance of León’s service park. Breakfast, lunch and dinner is also included as well as airport transfers.


Rally entry fees, admission to a one day-test and Thursday’s shakedown are included in the package, along with container transportion from Le Havre in France to León and movements at ports and the service park.

The entire package costs of €27,300 and further information is available from before 8 January.

Rally Argentina (25 - 28 April) is offering a 50 per cent discount on entry fees and three single / twin rooms for seven nights in host town Villa Carlos Paz. More information is available from Carlo Fiore at

Both COPEC Rally Chile (9 - 12 May) and Rally Turkey (12 - 15 September) will waive entry fees for registered competitors.


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