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Solberg: "We've made lots of changes to the car"

Saturday, 28. 05. 2016 - 11:31, Public relations   


Norway's Petter Solberg heads into the fourth round of the FIA World Rallycross Championship this weekend on the back of two successful visits to the Lydden Hill circuit.


The double World RX champion won the British round of the championship last season, and the Top Gear event held at the circuit in the previous December.

This weekend he is targeting a podium finish, and hopes to retake the championship lead from Sweden's Mattias Ekstrom. "We have to aim for the top three for sure, but the one we have to look at and take care of in the short term is Ekstrom, to try to stop him gaining any more. It's a fantastic track here, nice and fast. Tanner Foust is here now also, it's one of his favourite tracks but we beat him here the last two times so we will see," said Solberg.

The Norwegian's PSRX team went straight to England from the third round of World RX in Belgium two weeks ago. "Everything went to my mechanic's place. I think we've done a good step with the car for this race; hopefully we can see a good difference and just keep on pushing. We've done some changes to the geometry, chassis, gearbox, turbo, dampers... lots of things. There are quite a few changes on the car. We tried it yesterday and it feels quite good so I'm looking forward to the weekend."


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