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Rolls-Royce celebrates successful 2014 Goodwood Festival of Speed

Tuesday, 01. 07. 2014 - 17:09, Public relations   

Rolls-Royce celebrates successful 2014 Goodwood Festival of Speed

Rolls-Royce celebrated a successful Goodwood Festival of Speed over the weekend. Highlights included:

Wraith. The ultimate gentlemen's gran turismo, Wraith effortlessly ascended the famous Goodwood Hillclimb during the Supercar Run. The most powerful and dynamic Rolls-Royce in history, Wraith completed the 1.16-mile course in under 60 seconds and reached 144 mph as the car accelerated past Goodwood House. Wraith was driven by Festival favourite, Justin Law.

 Rolls-Royce Motor Cars;

Ghost Series II. Making its first UK public appearance at this year's Festival of Speed, Ghost Series II was seen in action on the Hillclimb in the First Glance category. The car was driven by professional race car instructor and world-ranked drifting champion, Tim Marshall-Rowe. Ghost Series II will be available to customers later this year.

Course Car. The Course Director's car this year was a Rolls-Royce Phantom Coupé, resplendent with race lights and Goodwood decals. The car was seen at speed between each Hillclimb Run throughout the weekend.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars;

The Fleet. The largest fleet of Rolls-Royce motor cars ever seen in the UK wafted around the Goodwood area during the Festival of Speed, with invited VIP guests being conveyed in luxury from the Home of Rolls-Royce on the south-eastern corner of the Goodwood Estate.

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