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Road trip in Hawaii with the Beetle Cabriolet

Tuesday, 05. 02. 2013 - 11:17, Martin Trenkler   

Road trip in Hawaii with the Beetle Cabriolet

Wolfsburg, 05 February 2013 - Volkswagen is starting its first new-format digital campaign to coincide with the market launch of the Beetle Cabriolet. "As sun as possible" is the motto of the campaign in which six young trendsetters share their experiences during a tour of Hawaii in the new Beetle Cabriolet using social networks and websites. On the same occasion, the Beetle website is being re-launched and there are new advertising motifs for print media.

The Volkswagen marketing campaign for the vehicle launch demonstrates how the Beetle Cabriolet is inseparably associated with summer. For the first time, Volkswagen is integrating a real journey with the car that catches the lifestyle and mood of the present Beetle generation as one of the central elements in the campaign. Six well-known international trendsetters from the spheres of comedy, fashion, sport, photography or music, all of them with a large social network, share their experiences during the two-week tour in the Beetle Cabriolet.


They will be using several very different digital formats (video, blog, podcast, photos) and social channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Vice, Instagram, The focus is on travel reports and information about the 50s, 60s and 70s special editions of the Beetle Cabriolet they will be driving on the tour.

"We want to engage and activiate key target groups with our new digital campaign and tell individual product stories that people can identify with and enjoy sharing with others", Giovanni Perosino, Head of Marketing Communications at Volkswagen, explained. "The tour made by our six trendsetters will become a story about summer, freedom, adventure and lifestyle - and the Beetle Cabriolet embodies all of those."


The activities accompanying the market debut of the Beetle Cabriolet also include the re-launch of the product website from mid-February. Like the advertising motifs for the print media, the web platform also takes up the "As sun as possible" motto and features detailed information on the entire Beetle collection as well as a blog and a teaser on the road trip. At the same time, Volkswagen is launching a lucky draw on its Facebook page, where participants can win an "Endless Summer Tour" on Hawaii.

The BlackBoardBerlin and DDB Tribal agencies have budget responsibility for the campaign.

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