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Rallyelegenden Österreich

Friday, 24. 07. 2015 - 08:17, Public relations   

Rallyelegenden Österreich

Dear friends of rallying,the organizing team of the Gruppe-B Rallyelegenden would like to thank once again to each participant team. The second edition of the event was attended by incredible 35,000 fans and the atmosphere was at the absolute highlight.


We also got a lot of positive feedback from the municipalities, tourism organizations and authorities.

We are already working on the preparations for 2016 and keep you up to date in the coming weeks through newsletters and Facebook.



The Österreichische Rundunk (ORF) filmed the whole event on both days and will broadcast it for the first time on Sunday, 26th July 2015 at 22.15 clock on the ORF Sport+. We will also publish a link in order to view the report again.


More Times:

27.Juli 2015: 10:15h & 01:15h
28.Juli 2015: 13:15h & 04:15h
29.Juli 2015: 16:15h
30.Juli 2015: 07:15h & 19:15h

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