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Rally Radio LIVE at Azores Rally

Sunday, 10. 07. 2011 - 14:48, Daniel Mandzi   

Rally Radio LIVE at Azores Rally

SATA Rallye Açores, Round 6 of the 2011 Intercontinental Rally Challenge, gets under way on Thursday July 14, and  Rally Radio by iRally  will be broadcasting from the Azores throughout the event, bringing live reports and interviews from the Stage Ends and Service Park. 

The Entry List features top stars from Peugeot including Guy Wilks, Bryan Bouffier and Bruno Magalhães, while the Škoda line-up is headed by Juho Hänninen, Jan Kopecky and Andreas Mikkelsen.

Daniele Carta;54-tour-de-corse55.jpg

Julian "The Guru" Porter anchors the programme, and Colin Clark will be out and about reporting from the stages.

You can listen to Rally Radio by iRally on the free iRally App for the iPhone and iPad, available from the App Store.  It also brings you timings, text, video and audio.  

On your computer, the station can be heard through here.  

Daniele Carta;54-tour-de-corse84.jpg

On Air times:

Thursday 14 1615 local, 1715 UK
Friday 15 0930 local, 1030 UK
Saturday 16 1000 local, 1100 UK

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