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MZD Connect arrives on the all-new Mazda3

Friday, 27. 09. 2013 - 20:01, Zdenka Frývaldská   

MZD Connect arrives on the all-new Mazda3

• New system conveniently and safely brings internet connectivity into the car
• Fits seamlessly into the Mazda3 interior's new human-machine interface

Never resting when it comes to innovation, Mazda is now launching MZD Connect - its brand-new connectivity system - on the all-new Mazda3. When it goes on sale in Europe starting in October, the company's new-generation compact will be one of the first in its segment to offer a huge package of online services to go along with the completely redeveloped human-machine interface (HMI) in the cabin. MZD Connect works together with the user's smartphone, expanding Mazda's existing range of navigation and SMS features (including readout and voice recognition) with a whole new scale of connected convenience.


Mazda3 occupants can thus enjoy carefree real-time access to infotainment services from AhaTM via the 7-inch display on top of the centre stack. A cloud-based platform designed for in-car use, AhaTM offers more than 40,000 choices of content including internet radio, news, podcasts and audio books as well as Facebook and Twitter feeds and a variety of location-based services. All users need is the free AhaTM app for their smartphones to connect in the car via Bluetooth or USB.

MZD Connect also offers Mazda's own vehicle apps, such as Eco-display and maintenance reminders. With its modular hardware structure and updatable software, the system is flexible as well as future-proof. It also supports playback from other connected mobile devices, and works in 25 languages for audio and 38 for text. The range of available applications and services will continually grow over time.


The system is remarkably easy and above all safe to use thanks to the new HMI developed by Mazda for the all-new Mazda3. The cabin setup, which includes the Active Driving Display, Mazda's new head-up display, minimises distraction potential, helping drivers maintain a stable position and keep their eyes on the road. As a result, they are able to take full advantage of MZD Connect and other information-providing technology yet still operate the vehicle safely.


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