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Mini rally prepares Mexico officials

Wednesday, 06. 03. 2019 - 21:31, Public relations   

Mini rally prepares Mexico officials

Key officials at Rally Guanajuato Mexico (7 - 10 march) took part in a ‘mini rally’ in host city León to ensure they are ready for the opening gravel fixture of the WRC season.

More than 80 people from diverse areas of the organising team received training ahead of the third round of the FIA World Rally Championship during the seventh edition of the mini rally.

They included timing crews, medical staff, control marshals, post chiefs, safety car crews, radio post staff and rescue crews.


Rally organising committee director Patrick Suberville said the mini rally featured dummy runs of potential incidents and highlighted ways to deal with them.

“What we do is spend a day with those responsible for each area of the main rally, along with their respective crews, to make sure we are all co-ordinated and they all understand what we’ll be doing this year, what changes have been made, and to review those changes.

“Then we invite feedback by asking everyone to share their experiences from previous years, and that way be able to make improvements. So it’s a two-way communication,” he said.

Rally medical director Pablo Escalera and his team had an intense day of practical training involving doctors and safety crew drivers.

“We looked at safety systems, helmets, HANS devices, and how to safely extricate drivers and co-drivers,” he explained.


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