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Mazda Takeri wins Design Prize

Friday, 03. 08. 2012 - 12:54, Daniel Mandzi   

Mazda Takeri wins Design Prize

- German Design Council honours concept vehicle for its design
- Jury made-up of international automotive journalists
- Takeri an indication of new Mazda6 - global premier end of August

The "Automotive Brand Contest 2012" has named the Mazda Takeri one of its winners this year. The brand and design competition with jury made-up of international automotive journalists crowned the concept car - which saw European premiere at the Geneva Motor Show early this year - as winner in its "Concepts" category. The prize will be handed-out at the Paris Motor Show at the end of September.

Copyright manufacturer;mazda-takeri-exterior-1-jpg300.jpg

The "Automotive Brand Contest" is conducted by the German Design Council, a foundation established in 1953 and one of world's leading centres for design expertise. The "Automotive Brand Contest" honours international product and communication designs for their importance in long-term brand development - in 11 categories.

Copyright manufacturer;mazda-takeri-exterior-2-jpg300.jpg

First shown at the end of 2011 at the Tokyo Motor Show, the Mazda Takeri is one of the first Mazda models with the company's new design language KODO - Soul of Motion. A coupe-like, four-door sedan, it gives a good idea of how the new generation Mazda6 line-up will look. The new Mazda6 will see global premier at the Moscow Motor Show from 29 August to 9 September 2012. Besides its design, the Mazda Takeri possesses benchmark technology as well. It not only uses innovative SKY-ACTIV technology, it's also the first Mazda model equipped with i-ELOOP, a brake energy regeneration system. This system will celebrate its production debut in the new Mazda6 as well.

Photo gallery: Mazda Takeri

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