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Luca Rosseti wins the 2012 Turkish Rally Championship

Tuesday, 23. 10. 2012 - 10:32, Daniel Mandzi   

Luca Rosseti wins the 2012 Turkish Rally Championship

The Italian driver with Turkish license, Luca Rossetti, three times European Rally Champion and former Italian champion, won on Sunday the Yesil Bursa Rallisi, the last round of the Turkish Rally Championship. With this victory, Luca Rossetti and his co-driver Matteo Chiarcossi have won the 2012 Turkish Rally Championship. With their Skoda Fabia S2000 from Pegasus Racing - Skoda Turkey - Yuce Auto, they obtained the fourth victory of the season in the Turkish National Championship, a series consisting of 7 races.


For Luca Rossetti and Matteo Chiarcossi it was a great  challenge: a whole new championship with very competitive and aggressive opponents, the closest rival in the fight for the 2012 turkish title, Yagiz Avci, winner of the 2012 Yalta Rally - IRC - Intercontinental Rally Challenge, with his Ford Fiesta S2000 of Team Castrol Ford Team Turkiye, was certainly the most insidious opponent, but the three-time European champion, once the engines were fired made the most of his Skoda S2000, with Pirelli tyres, giving another satisfaction to United Business, the company that takes care of his sports management. "When at the beginning of the year we were offered to take part in the Turkish championship with Skoda - said Pier Liberali of United Business - we had no doubt in giving an affirmative answer, we knew that for Rossetti all was new, but we also knew that for him, although difficult it was not an obstacle nor a problem to tackle rallies never seen previuosly, he is used to it and has raced and won all around  Europe, often competing in a race for the first time. For my company an unforgettable moment was  Ypres Rally, where Luca won on his debut. He is a professional driver, very fast, solid and constant, we all had great trust and once again he did not disappoint us, the goal was to win and Luca and Matteo reached it",


Luca Rossetti "This title has a very special meaning for me, to win in a country like Turkey where I have many friends and fans is beautiful. I am aware that I would not have been successful had I not had the support of Pegasus Racing - Skoda Turkey - Yuce Auto and Pirelli tyres which were very  performing at all times and in all race conditions. A big thank you for the title of 2012 Turkish Rally Champion must go to all the advertising partners who have accompanied us during the season, this success came also thanks to them and to the work of the team that gave me a performing and reliable car. After a victory everything seems to have been easy, but winning is never easy, my opponents were very determined and only after the last race was I able to achieve the goal, to all of them, loyal competitors of the turkish championship I send my compliments, they were fast and showed great sportsmanship and fair play, I was very well received and this is all to their honour".


Matteo Chiarcossi inseparable codriver of Rossetti "I am happy for me, for Luca, for the team and for all our partners, a large group which by working in harmony and with great dedication through to the last event has achieved this title, we all did our best and the result came, we encountered as  expected many difficulties, we have overcome them all working hard, for this reason being 2012 Turkish Champions tastes even sweeter". United Business and the crew thank Pegasus Racing, Skoda Turkey - Yuce Cars, Pirelli, Mobiltrust, Di Vita, Omnia New Energy, Damaplast, Go Turkey, OMP, Skoda Rally Team Italia and TcHealth. 

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