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Land Rover Supports Lewis Moody in 'Greatest Challenge'

Saturday, 02. 02. 2013 - 11:28, Martin Trenkler   

Land Rover Supports Lewis Moody in 'Greatest Challenge'

Land Rover has today announced its support for Lewis Moody and the team in the Yukon Arctic Ultra, billed as the toughest Ultra Marathon in the world. Former England captain Lewis Moody will be taking part in the challenge alongside polar adventurer Alan Chambers MBE and Phil Wall, founder of HopeHIV, who the team is raising money for.

Throughout their gruelling training Land Rover has assisted the team through the provision of a 13MY Freelander 2. The vehicle has provided essential access and support in getting to remote areas in an attempt to get used to the type of terrains they will experience in the Yukon.


Lewis, Alan and Phil will trek 300 miles across the Yukon where temperatures can drop to -50 degrees. Throughout the 8-day trek, they will need to overcome a number of challenges en route which will include maintaining the correct body temperature, staying hydrated, and also sleep deprivation.

Jeremy Hicks Managing Director, Jaguar Land Rover UK, said: "We are excited to be supporting Lewis, Alan and Phil in their challenge to complete the 300 mile trek across the Yukon in Canada. As a company we celebrate individuals and teams who embrace life's challenges with capability and composure, and this is a great example of a group of people who are doing just that. We are also extremely pleased that we could assist in their preparations through the use of our vehicles."


Lewis Moody commented, "The Yukon Arctic Ultra is a great challenge for me and an opportunity to raise some money for a good charity that does some fantastic work. Having visited HOPEHIV projects in Nairobi in July 2008 and worked closely with the charity ever since, I feel passionately about the cause of street children in sub-Saharan Africa. Witnessing their daily lives firsthand put all of my challenges into perspective and I'm excited about raising money for them. It's great to have partners, such as Land Rover, supporting me and the team along the way."

For further information on Land Rover log on to and for information on the trek go to

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