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Jump king Mads flies 50 metres

Thursday, 10. 08. 2017 - 10:31, Public relations   

Jump king Mads flies 50 metres

High-flying Mads Østberg confirmed his status as the wrc's daredevil jump king at Neste Rally Finland last weekend.

In a rally famed for its breathtaking leaps, the Norwegian topped the rankings at the biggest of them all - the Yellow House Jump in the legendary Ouninpohja special stage.


But it was a close call. Estonia's Ott Tänak flew his Ford Fiesta a monster 49 metres during the first pass through the test on Saturday morning.

However, Østberg reached the magical 50-metre mark during the second run in his OneBet-backed Fiesta, 7.5 metres clear of next-best Esapekka Lappi.

The Yellow House Jump, named after the house alongside the road shortly before take-off, is for the bravest of the brave. It was used in its traditional format after being flown in the opposite direction 12 months ago and huge crowds lined the stage to watch the aerial antics.
Østberg's Finnish flight matched his performances earlier in the season. He flew furthest in the snow and ice at Colin's Crest in Rally Sweden and was king of the jumpers at the spectacular Fafe crest at Vodafone Rally de Portugal.

Watch his spectacular Ouninpohja leap below.


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