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Jennings leads Irish national Tarmac Rally series

Tuesday, 03. 03. 2015 - 14:08, Public relations   

Jennings leads Irish national Tarmac Rally series

The 2013 Irish Rally Champion, Garry Jennings, heads the points after round one of the 2015 national series, despite not winning the event outright. The fact is, though he brought his Kumho-shod Subaru Impreza WRC S12B home 38.7 seconds behind the Ford Focus WRC of his old adversary Donagh Kelly on last weekend's (February 22) Birr Stages Rally, he ultimately accumulated more points by being the fastest of all through the so-called ‘power stage'.


Chris Armstrong also employed Kumho tarmac rally tyres to good effect, and he and co-driver James Fulton achieved a commendable 7th place overall and class win courtesy of their powerful MKII Ford Escort.

Said Kumho's Motorsport's Steve Thompson: "You can always count on Garry to put in a competitive performance, and on current form he appears to be a serious contender for overall championship honours. It was also extremely heartening to note that half of the 50 cars competing on the Birr Stages Rally were equipped with Kumho tarmac rally tyres."


The next round of the Triton Showers National Rally Championship (Ireland) is the nine-stage Midland Moto Stages event that's scheduled to take place in County Roscommon on March 29.

For further information on Kumho products for rally stage, circuit and road, see

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