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James Bond goes Rallying

Friday, 24. 04. 2015 - 14:01, Public relations   

James Bond goes Rallying

Austrian-premiere at the Group B Rally-Legends: Kari Makela will bring his Aston Martin RGT to Saalfelden on the 10./11. of July.
Just recently the visit of Daniel Craig to Salzburg for the shooting of the latest "James Bond" movie has caused great excitement. Quite a coincidence: a real classic from the movies will now be featured as a special encore: An Aston Martin - but Rally-Spec.


In arduous work Kari Makela from Finland transformed an Aston Martin-GT-racer into a FIA-conform RGT rally car. Until now the noblest of all the current rally cars was solely used on the ice-roads of Norway, but its owner didn't hesitate to take on the 5.000 kilometer journey to Saalfelden, to present his new rally-weapon for the first time on tarmac. The 500 BHP of the RGT-car will a provide an outstanding show.


Furthermore a new partner-city will join the 2015 Gruppe B Rallyelegenden: Maishofen now officially supports the event. Therefore the organisers would like to thank the tourism association and the participating municipalities for the support, without whom this unique show would have never been possible.


The Gruppe B Rallyelegenden will start from the town hall square of Saalfelden on Friday, 10th of July at 15:00 o'clock. The event features a total distance of 260 Kilometer on 18 special stages, 80 kilometers without timing. According to the motto: "Driving like in the old days" the pilots will not compete against the clock, but rather show the driving experience like it used to be: Loud, fast and fully sideways.


The one of a kind, roofed Paddock located next to the Interspar in Saalfelden, which will open its doors for the public on the 9th of July at 12 o'clock, not only provides a fanmile, but several diverse exhibitions for fans and visitors - and all that free of charge.
Experience Rallysport at first-hand with the Gr.B Rallye Legenden starting on 10th of July 2015.
Pictures, infos and more at

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