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It´s North vs. South to find great Britain´s grabbiest drivers

Wednesday, 26. 02. 2014 - 13:14, Zdenka Frývaldská   

It´s North vs. South to find great Britain´s grabbiest drivers

It's certainly not grim up North, or certainly not where car owners are concerned. Indeed, it's in the Southern half of the country in which the dirtiest motorists on the roads of Great Britain can be found - according to a recent national survey by IMO Car Wash Group.

The tell-all survey of over 1000 motorists across the country revealed that there is a bizarre North/South divide between the drivers of Great Britain when it comes to car hygiene. It discovered that people from the south of England are the dirty rascals of Great Britain, with 55% admitting to leaving it a month or longer before cleaning their cars. On the other hand, it was the Scottish who shone through as the cleanest motorists, with 60% washing their car at least once a month.


Commissioned by the world's largest car wash company, that cleaned over 9.7 million vehicles in the UK last year, the survey also revealed that Volkswagen owners are the proudest motorists in Great Britain. Six out of ten of Volkswagen drivers clean their car at least once a month, and were the most concerned about damage to their vehicle while it was washed. In comparison, Nissan drivers proved the grubbiest with just one third washing their cars at least once a month.

Interestingly, Volkswagen owners and drivers in Wales were the two groups most concerned about damage to their vehicles while they were cleaned. A recent study into IMO's unique Foamsoft Mitter technology, by the Paint Research Association, dispelled the myth that hand-washing is the safest way to clean a car. The research found that all cars get scratched from everyday driving and that washing a vehicle with the IMO Foamsoft Mitters caused no measurable abrasion to a car's paint work whilst the Hand washed vehicle showed significant scratching.


As a whole, 49% of motorists in Great Britain clean their cars at least once a month, but in the battle of the sexes male drivers came out on top. A total of 52% of men clean their car once a month, compared to 44% of women. When it comes to deciding on how to clean their car, men are also motivated by convenience and a previous good experience while women are more likely to choose a car wash based on quality and cost.

Older drivers, aged 65 and over, tend to be less concerned with the cost of car washing but still prefer to take matters into their own hands. Only 29% considered cost an important factor when getting their car cleaned, but nearly half believed that it was actually quicker to do it themselves.

With 284 sites across the UK, The IMO Car Wash Group is the UK's leading car wash company, and can wash a vehicle in less than three minutes. With prices starting at just £2.99, there is an IMO wash to suit every pocket.


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