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In testing: Mexico special

Monday, 26. 02. 2018 - 19:31, Public relations   

In testing: Mexico special

The WRC moves to the hot gravel roads of Rally Guanajuato México [09 - 11 march] for round three, but with manufacturer teams banned from pre-event testing outside europe they have been looking for representative conditions closer to home.

For the Citroën Total Abu Dhabi and Hyundai Shell Mobis teams that meant southern Spain, and thanks to a dedicated team of YouTube WRC spotters, we can see what they have been up to.


Hyundai headed to the Girona region this week for a three-day test. Andreas Mikkelsen took the wheel of the squad's i20 WRC on Wednesday [21 March] while Dani Sordo was at the controls on Thursday. Current championship leader Thierry Neuville is driving today [Friday.]

YouTuber Jaume Solar was on hand to record the test, and you see below how Mikkelsen handled the i20 in perfect hot and dry conditions.

Citroën meanwhile have been testing in Almería province in Southern Spain. Kris Meeke drove the C3 test car on Wednesday, before handing it over to nine-time champion Sébastien Loeb, who will rejoin the squad in Mexico, three years since his last WRC appearance.

You can watch Kris at the wheel in the video below courtesy of ATSport Almeria.


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