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Ford trains first UK young drivers

Friday, 18. 10. 2013 - 20:47, Zdenka Frývaldská   

Ford trains first UK young drivers

Ford Driving Skills for Life, Ford's free young driver training programme was launched in the UK last week, with major events in London and Manchester.



In total more than 500 people registered for a maximum of 300 places available over three days of training at ExCel in East London and the intu Trafford Centre in Manchester.

Feedback from participants, who were between 17 and 24 years old, proved that the training exceeded their expectations, with most saying they felt more confident in their ability to drive. A large percentage also said that they would have liked to see the training introduced to the regular UK driving test.


Manchester University student, Ryan Harrison, who took part in the free driver training, said: "I've learned so much today, especially in the skid car, learning what I've done wrong in the past without realising it and where to put my hands on the wheel. It's a really good course. I'm going back to uni to tell everyone about it."

Poplar and Limehouse MP, Jim Fitzpatrick, visited Friday's training session at ExCel London to experience Ford Driving Skills for Life and commented: "As an ex-fire-fighter of 23 years I've seen some very serious accidents, so Ford Driving Skills for Life has my wholehearted support. Educating young drivers about the potential dangers they face as new road users, and more importantly, how to prevent accidents happening can only be a good thing."


Plans are now in development for future training sessions, which will be announced early next year. For more information visit


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