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Finland debrief: Part 2

Monday, 07. 08. 2017 - 18:31, Public relations   

Finland debrief: Part 2

We complete our lookback at Neste Rally Finland, which witnessed the crowning of a new local star in maiden winner Esapekka Lappi.

Turning Point of the Rally
After giving second best to Lappi in Friday's marathon leg, Jari-Matti Latvala claimed bragging rights over his young Toyota Gazoo Racing team-mate by winning Saturday's first five speed tests.

He overturned a 4.4sec deficit to build a 8.5sec advantage, and while victory was far from guaranteed, Latvala was the man on whom you'd put your money.


It all went wrong shortly before the midpoint of the famous Ouninpohja. His Yaris stuttered to a halt with an ECU problem, ending his hopes of a fourth home success and, in all likelihood, his championship challenge.

Lappi was clear and Jyväskylä welcomed a new hero.

Save of the Rally
Hats off to Swedish youngster Dennis Rådström. He was one of several drivers to fall foul of the final right-hand bend in the first pass through Sunday's Oittila test.

But Rådström's Ford Fiesta R2 had barely come to a halt after rolling before he selected first gear and was on his way again. The result? Second fastest time in the Junior WRC category!

You'll Never Believe It
Mads Østberg did well to keep his concentration on Saturday morning when the Norwegian powered his Ford Fiesta around a corner to be greeted by four topless women waving him on!

The photograph of the fun-loving females has been shared widely across social media and published in newspapers across the globe.
But debutant co-driver Torstein Eriksen was so focused on delivering the pacenotes that he missed all the fun. "I didn't see this!" he wrote.


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