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Ferrari 458 Spider voted "Best Cabriolet"

Thursday, 24. 01. 2013 - 17:49, Martin Trenkler   

Ferrari 458 Spider voted

Maranello, 24 January 2012 - The readers of the prestigious German car magazine Auto Motor und Sport have crowned the 458 Spider "Best Imported Cabriolet" in the traditional "Best cars" poll.

This is the second time the 458 Spider has won this category, and it's the 15th time that a convertible Ferrari has received this award, demonstrating the esteem with which the marque is held in Germany. The trophy was presented by Auto Motor und Sport Editor-in-Chief, Ralph Alex, to Ferrari CEO Amedeo Felisa at the prize-giving ceremony held in Stuttgart today.


The 458 Spider continues the long tradition of Ferrari mid-engined V8 convertibles and is the first mid-engined model to feature a folding hard-top combining performance and style perfectly. The engine powering the car - the remarkable 570 HP, 4.5-litre V8 - has also been in the spotlight, having won the International Engine of the Year award for two consecutive years in 2011 and 2012.

Overall the 458 - in both the Italia coupé and the Spider versions - has received over 50 awards worldwide to date and is one of the most recognised and successful models in the history of Ferrari.


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