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ERC Junior Semerad gets set for first gravel rally

Thursday, 23. 05. 2019 - 13:31, Public relations   

ERC Junior Semerad gets set for first gravel rally

FIA ERC3 Junior Petr Semerád will do something he’s never done before this week: contest a rally on gravel-only stages.




ACCR Czech Rally Team-backed Semerád, who turned 18 earlier this month, has only rallied on Tarmac, which will up the level of challenge he faces on Rally Liepāja, which he’ll contest in a Pirelli-shod Peugeot 208 R2 alongside co-driver Jiří Hlávka.

“This will be my first gravel rally in my career and I hope it will be a successful one,” said Semerád. “We went to Liepāja last year for the ERC Junior Experience training programme and did a small test and the recce. It was quite nice and at least I know how the roads look, very fast, quite wide and I like that.”


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