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Clarkson backs Liberty: ‘Time F1 was run as a show’

Friday, 17. 02. 2017 - 09:31, Public relations   

Clarkson backs Liberty: ‘Time F1 was run as a show’

Jeremy Clarkson says Bernie Ecclestone's exit is "probably a good thing" for Formula One as it means the sport will now be run as a show and "not as just some tool to make already very rich men a little bit richer".

The Grand Tour presenter and ex-Top Gear man made the comments this week in a video published on Facebook by Drivetribe, a digital media platform 'dedicated to motoring and adventure', hailing Liberty Media's takeover - which was finalised last month with new F1 chairman Chase Carey taking on the role of chief executive officer - and adding that it is time for F1 to start doing more for the fans.


"I had some time for Bernie in the end, but it is probably a good thing that he has gone and that it is now going to be run as a show and not as just some tool for making already very rich men a little bit richer," Clarkson said.

"Because Chase is American, there is no question that the Americans have a sense of theatre about them.

"Think whatever you do of NASCAR, they can fill 250,000-seater stadiums, which no other sport on Earth can do.

"And Formula One, the rich old men who run it, just need to be told that it is for the fans. The only thing that will get the fans watching and therefore the sponsorship money rolling in again is excitement, and I think the Americans understand that so I am hoping and praying that they bring it back."


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