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Claire Williams picks up OBE at Buckingham Palace

Monday, 30. 01. 2017 - 10:31, Public relations   

Claire Williams picks up OBE at Buckingham Palace

Claire Williams was officially appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) at Buckingham Palace on Friday.

The Williams deputy team principal had been honoured in the Queen's 2016 Birthday Honours List for her services to Formula One. 


Speaking following last year's announcement, she said; "Today is a very proud day for me, but this is also a bit of a surprise. To be recognised in this way is a tremendous honour but one everyone at Williams can take credit for. I'm extremely lucky that I get to do a job that I love.

"To be able to play a role in a family legacy is an enormous privilege and one I don't take for granted.

"Formula One, and Williams, are great success stories for the UK and I will continue to use my role to help showcase what a great sport Formula One is, what a brilliant platform for this country's expertise in high class engineering it is, as well as a place that welcomes women across all of its disciplines." 


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