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Breen ready to return

Friday, 27. 04. 2018 - 13:31, Public relations   

Breen ready to return

Craig Breen says he feels sharp ahead of his return to the driving seat of a Citroën C3 WRC at this weekend's YPF Rally Argentina (26-29 april).

Despite scoring a career-best second place at February's Rally Sweden, the Irishman was forced to sit out Rally Guanajuato Mexico and Corsica linea - Tour de Corse as he made way for the returning Sébastien Loeb.

Breen has tried to stay active while he's been away to ensure he's ready for action when the rally gets underway.

"I've done a lot of karting. I've been at the track for a day or two every week during the last fortnight," he explained. "When I got back in the C3 I felt pretty sharp. The speed wasn't an issue."


Breen's two-month WRC absence was his longest spell away from competition since he was eight-years-old. He admitted it's was tough to watch from the sidelines.

"I tried not to pay any attention to it but I couldn't, it's in the blood," he said. "Missing Corsica was particularly hard. I live and breathe that event - I love it - so it was pretty tough to sit that one out."

One consolation for Breen is that his recent inactivity means he will start lower down the road order for Friday's seven stages in Argentina. However, he doesn't have much experience at the South American event. His debut there ended after four stages last year because of a gearbox issue.

Having seen the stages on the recce earlier this week, he said: "It's definitely quite loose on some stages because of the rain in the last few days so we can definitely take some advantage.

"But I'm going to lose some of that advantage because of a lack of experience. I'm probably the only person in the WRC field that hasn't completed Argentina before so it's going to be tricky."


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